What Is REACH?

Founded in 1989 by the Combined Churches of Willoughby and Chatswood, REACH exists to provide Special Religious Education (SRE) to the students of Chatswood High School and Willoughby Girls High School. Hundreds of year 7 to 12 students currently attend REACH every single week, making it the largest and most far-reaching ministry of the churches in the local area.

REACH is overseen by a Board that is comprised of representatives from a number of supporting churches:


Willoughby Park Anglican Church (St John’s)     St. Paul’s Anglican, Chatswood               St. Stephen’s Anglican, Willoughby
Chatswood Presbyterian (St Andrew’s)               St. Mark’s Anglican, Northbridge             Salvation Army, Chatswood
Chatswood Church of Christ                                St. Barnabas Anglican (Roseville)           Chatswood Baptist Church
Naremburn Cammeray Anglican Church             Redeemer City Church                            Church for the City

REACH seeks to reflect the love and welcome of Jesus, clarify the claims of the Christian faith and encourage students to consider a biblical worldview. We endeavour to present the Christian faith to students in an educationally and culturally appropriate way by employing only professionally-trained teachers. It also assists students to develop a sense of values, and provides an important foundation for young people as they seek meaning and purpose in their lives.

In NSW Public Schools, up to 1 hour per week of Special Religious Education (SRE, also commonly known as scripture and RE) is recognised by the State Government as an integral part of a public school’s activities.


Chatswood High School (CHS) has over 1,700 students, and has a selective stream, a comprehensive stream, a special education stream and the Intensive English School. At CHS, REACH conducts regular classes and seminars, which are currently attended by approximately 400 students. Students at CHS each receive approximately 20 hours of SRE (Special Religious Education) per year. CHS also has an active ISCF group.


Mark Baines is the full-time SRE teacher at CHS. He is married to Jo, and dad to three wonderful children. He has a Bachelor of Arts from Sydney University  and Bachelor of Divinty from Moore College. Mark also has many years experience in Christian ministry, in both the church and school contexts. He has taught high school scripture for a number of years, previously at Mosman High School.


Mark’s experience as a Minister in the Anglican Church working with youth and young adults, has equipped him with skills in teaching, mentoring and leadership that will be a great blessing in his role.


Willoughby Girls’ High School (WGHS) is a comprehensive high school for girls with approximately 950 students. At WGHS, SRE lessons are conducted using a seminar approach. There is a lunchtime Inter-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) Group as well as a youth group after school on Thursdays. Approximately 75 students at WGHS attend REACH SRE, receiving approximately 10 hours of religious education per year.

Susie Wright is employed 2 days a week to teach and oversee the SRE program at WGHS. Susie has a Bachelor of Teaching and a Bachelor of Education, and is currently completing an Advanced Diploma in Bible, Ministry and Missions at Moore Theological College.

Susie is passionate about Christian education in schools, having experienced first hand just how crucial a time it is for young people to be figuring out who they are and what they believe.

Susie is married to Tony and has four wonderful children.